"Magasztaljátok az Urat, mert jó, mert örökkévaló az Ő kegyelme." Zsoltárok 136,1
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Friday, December 31, 2010

Thoughts on the last day of the year.../ Gondolatok az év utolsó napján

Today - 31st December 2010 - can become significant IF I make it so by God's grace.

Recognizing the gifts of this year, not only the obvious blessings but the things which became blessings later will bring glory to God's name. This is my desire.

1. Good health in our little family. Kaleb was taken to the emergency once with rashes on his skin, but it was much more a matter of parental concern than real danger.

2. A job for Murray for 3 months. We still benefit from it through unemployment.

3. Many occasions when we entertained friends in our house - shared joy! Almost everybody who was introduces to Ligretto (friendly card game) loved it! :)

4. For many months we had a kind and good family doctor for Kaleb (and insurance, which is still available with a new doctor), plus a nurse coming to our house every now and then for free. The nurse provided us with a real nice swing one time, when we needed one.

5. Family time: my birthday, Mother's Day, Easter, Murray's birthday, Leslie's birthday, Thanksgiving Day, Kaleb's birthday, Christmas, etc.

6. A wonderful gift: visiting in Marosvasarhely for 3 weeks after one year of being far away. My family could give a hug for Kaleb for the first time!

7. My cousin's, Zsolt visit in September. A great time! And this leads us to the next gift:

8. My driving permit (inspired and financed as a gift by Zsolt). My friend, Nancy gave me a lift to the office to take the exam because Murray was at work.

9. A smooth moving from the house to an apartment close to Vicki, my mother-in-law. A number of friends helped us during the move. Theresa watched Kaleb for 2 hours. Leslie helped packing. 6 or 7 of Murray's friends loaded and unloaded the stuff. Phoebelou brought us ice-cream and goodies, as well as watched Kaleb / sang to him while I was packing. Two friend couples - Miles and Reesa + Dave and Julie were cleaning in the old house for 2 hours.

10. Our pick-up truck. It has served us really well. It never broke down on us on a longer trip. Murray had problem with it once recently, but we were not there: a helping circumstance. :)

11. God's Word at church, at Bible study, in our home. Family Connections.

12. Beautiful time at the coast three times this year. First time with Vicki - she rent a car -for one whole day + delicious seafood dinner at Mo's, second time couples retreat (Family Connections Class), the third time only the three of us for a few days in Lincoln City. Which leads us to the next gift: :)

13. Meeting Grandma and Bob for the first time.

14. The privilege of knowing Bob who was taken to heaven not a long time ago. The memory of having dinner together with him and his wife at our house. A lot of laughter and fun.

15. Our 2 year marriage anniversary. An intimate dialog between Murray and me at our favourite cafe.

16. Huge surprise: Murray's anniversary and Christmas gift upon our return from Romania, a Toshiba laptop packed in a big vacuum cleaner box. :)) He stayed in front of 2 stores all night in the freezing cold on Black Friday (huge sales on this day once a year, great prices).

17. The sight of our sweet son in the crib during his regular nap or at night. His happy chatter as he is walking from one room into the other.

18. Medical insurance for Kaleb and Murray. Emergency insurance for me.

19. The sight of buildings, trees and bushes dressed in lights on the occasion of Christ's birthday.

20. The cosiness of Albertson's when we enter after experiencing the winter cold outside. :)

21. There are many more gifts. Believe me!

For all this - and for the rest I couldn't express - I am thankful today in front of God.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!

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